Ranger News

Northwest Area School is a huge part of family and community life. It’s where our children spend their days; it’s where we gather to cheer on the home team, celebrate talent, and promote the pursuit of lifelong learning. This page will help you keep apprised of everything going on. Be sure to check it often.

Important Funding Information

Ranger Community,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you today about a matter of utmost importance that affects not only our school district but also the entire community we serve.

As you are aware, the state is currently deliberating on budget proposals that will have far-reaching implications for educational institutions across our region. However, I must express my deep concern regarding the proposed funding allocations for the Northwest Area School District.

Please read the complete May 16 parent letter from Superintendent Joseph Long for more information concerning the district’s funding allocation concerns. We implore you to read the letters below. These are sample letters to legislators outlining our concerns, and we seek your support.

    Support Group for Parents of Young Children with Disabilities

    Are you the parent of a young child with a disability? Do you have questions about assistive technology? Come join us in person or via zoom to hear all about assistive technology with Ashley Patete from Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living. The discussion takes place on Thursday, March 28 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Please see the support group for parents of young children with disabilities flyer.